Optical computerized tomography and multimedia technique of computer were used to visualize and analyze the ignition process of energetic droplet LP1846 under atmospheric pressure. 应用光学层析和计算机多媒体技术研究了含能液滴LP1846在大气压下的着火过程。
In this paper, a better method of searching heart in CT ( Computerized Tomography) image based on gray histogram and gray transformation is proposed. 针对用传统灰度直方图方法检索CT心脏图像效果不佳的问题,提出了用灰度变换和灰度直方图特征检索CT心脏图像的方法。
For the empirical beam hardening correction in computerized tomography ( CT), it is necessary to measure an attenuation curve for the material. 传统的射束硬化校正方法,通常需要针对每一种材料测量该材料对射线的吸收曲线。
Diagnostic Value of Computerized Tomography Angiography on Sturge-Weber Syndrome in Children 计算机断层扫描血管造影对Sturge-Weber综合征的诊断价值
Acoustic Emission ( AE) and Computerized Tomography ( CT) scanning are important means to monitor the coal and rock fracture propagation. 声发射技术和CT扫描技术是监测煤岩体裂纹扩展的重要手段。
Comparison of X-ray Radiate Side Photograph and Computerized Tomography for Nasal Bone Fracture I would order a lateral skull film. X线侧位片与高分辨率CT对鼻骨骨折的对比研究我打算安排照颅骨侧位的X线照片。
Methods: Digital computerized tomography measurement techniques were used to determine the difference in length between the nasal and oral aerodigestive tracts. 方法:数字化计算机控制体层摄影测量技术被用来确定呼吸消化道起始端鼻腔和口腔之间的解剖长度差异。
To develop the in-line X-ray phase-contrast computerized tomography ( CT) method based on synchrotron radiation in Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility ( BSRF). 基于北京同步辐射装置(BSRF)开展了同轴X射线相位衬度计算机X射线断层摄影术(CT)研究。
Functional neuroimaging technologies like single photon emission computerized tomography, or spect, and positron emission tomography, or pet, now enable scientists to monitor changes in brain activity. 如今,诸如单光子发射计算机扫描断层成像(spect)及正电子发射型断层成像(pet)等功能性大脑成像技术使科学家能够监测大脑活动的变化。
Computerized tomography scan revealed a heterogeneous lesion that adhered to the abdominal wall. 腹部电脑断层显示在腹腔内有一个异质性的病灶与腹壁有相黏连。
Use of Spiral Computerized Tomography and Intraoperative Cholangiography in Congenital Biliary Dilatation 螺旋CT及术中胆道造影在先天性胆管扩张症诊疗中的应用
SPIRAL COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY AND INTRAOPERATIVE CHOLANGIOGRAPHY IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CONGENITAL BILIARY DILATATION Effect of intraductal guide-wire reservation during therapeutic ERCP 螺旋CT及术中胆管造影在先天性胆管扩张症诊疗中的作用胆管内预留导丝法在治疗性内镜逆行胰胆管造影术中的应用
Computerized tomography system Computer Control System in Power Plants 计算机控制X射线断层扫描装置电厂计算机控制系统
Oil Core Porosity Measurement Using Technology of Computerized Tomography 计算机层析技术用于石油岩芯的孔隙度测量
Application of cross-hole seismic computerized tomography technology to karst caves survey 井间地震层析成像技术在岩溶勘察中的应用
Improved iterative algorithm for ultrasonic computerized tomography of concrete 混凝土超声CT层析成像算法的改进
Roles of spiral computerized tomography in the diagnosis of embedded maxillary teeth 螺旋CT在上颌埋伏牙诊断中的作用
Application of ultrasonic computerized tomography to diagnosis of pile construction integrity 超声波层析成像在桩身结构完整性诊断中的应用
Application of Cross-Borehole Electromagnetic Computerized Tomography in Karst Detection along Yangtze River Levee 井间电磁波CT技术在长江大堤岩溶探测中的应用声波测井下井仪电子线路部分
Application Value of There-dimensional Computerized Tomography Reconstruction and Hepatic Volume Measurement in Giant and Complicated Liver Tumors in Children CT三维重建及肝脏体积测定在小儿肝脏肿瘤手术中的应用
The Fundamental Researches of Computerized Tomography of Ultrasonic Attenuation for Concrete 混凝土超声波衰减层析成像的基础项目研究
Four-Dimensional Computerized Tomography ( 4D-CT) Reconstruction Based on the Most Similarity Principle of Spatial Adjacent Images 基于相邻图像最相似原理的4D-CT图像重建研究
The Application of Computer Aided Detection in Computerized Tomography of Detection for Colon Diseases 计算机辅助检测联合CT结肠成像对结肠病变的诊断价值
Clinical evaluation of multislice computerized tomography urography in the diagnosis of upper urinary tract neoplasms 多层螺旋CT尿路造影对无痛性血尿的上尿路肿瘤的诊断价值
SUSIE ( Sequential Unmaned Scanning and Indicating Equipment) computerized tomography system 无人控制顺序扫描与指示设备计算机控制X射线断层扫描装置
Objective To discuss MSCT ( multi-slice computerized tomography) technique and manifestation of blunt renal injury. 目的探讨钝性肾外伤的多层CT检查方法和影像诊断。
Reconstruction of density distribution in the supersonic flow field with optical computerized tomography 利用光学层析技术重构超声速绕流流场密度分布
In this paper, digital images of sequential soil sections were obtained by computerized tomography ( CT) and pore-size distribution were determined by digital image analysis. 通过对连续土壤切片CT图像的分析,定量获取了土壤孔隙的大小分布情况。
Objective To evaluate the diagnosis value of multislice spiral computerized tomography ( CT) on renal function and complications after kidney transplantation. 目的评价多层螺旋CT及后处理技术对肾脏移植术后肾功能及术后并发症的诊断价值。